Senin, 11 Agustus 2008

The Scientific Truth About Muscle Growth Once And For All - Part 1

by: Ben Kong

What if you finally had the scientific TRUTH about muscle growth once and for all? What if you knew how to train to stimulate ALL of your body's own natural growth mechanisms? It would mean that you'd be packing on lean muscle mass as fast as humanly possible.

Without understanding that there are two key mechanisms for muscle growth the vast majority of guys training in the gym, even those who may have trained for years are missing out on up to fifty percent of their potential gains. This is basically like wasting HALF your precious training time.

Why does this occur? Well there are two basic 'schools of thought' when it comes to weight training and over the years they have been often at odds at to which is the best way to train with heated debate, science and real-world examples to illustrate the superiority of their own viewpoints. In one corner we have the classic bodybuilding crowd who have always focused on the pump and isolating each individual muscle and feeling the tension throughout the entire range of motion. This culture has also permeated into most formal 'gym instructor' doctrine as it is generally a safe way to train the masses.

The other way of thinking has much of its roots in powerlifting and strength training and has a much greater emphasis on progressively hitting the muscles with heavier weights in order to make them adapt and grow stronger and bigger. The focus is much more on overloading the muscles by using looser form and momentum to be able to hit the target muscles with more weight than would otherwise be possible. They believe that whilst the muscle wouldn't be under as much direct tension, the sheer stimulus it receives from the heavier weights more than compensates for this and is a better way to pack on lean muscle.

Most people in the gym tend to be one or the other, often depending on whom they listened to when they first started out or whom they currently take their training influence from. However is this a logical position to take?


Stay Tuned For Part 2!

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